
The ontologies created were developed using the methodology set out by Noy and Mcguinness. This method comprises the following steps:

  • The first step is to determine the domain and scope of the ontology, which involves answering questions such as: What is the domain that the ontology will understand?, What is the use foreseen for the ontology?, what kind of questions the ontology should provide an answer? and who will use and maintain the ontology?.
  • The second step involves considering the use of existing ontologies in order to prevent repeated work already done.
  • The third step is to identify the important terms in the ontology, for which a list of all terms that can make statements about the problem domain shall be done.
  • The fourth and fifth steps are related and are done in parallel. In the fourth step, classes and their hierarchy shall be defined using strategies topdown, bottom-up or a combination thereof; whereas in the fifth step, the attributes of the classes are defined, which can be intrinsic, extrinsic.
  • In the sixth step the constraints of the attributes are defined in terms of domain and range, their cardinality and type (string, number, logical enumeration or instance).
  • Finally, are created instances of the hierarchy by setting each individual composing the ontology.

To validate the ontology created, a service from W3C, called RDF Validation Service 1, can and shall be used. So the overall process followed to create OntoMP can be split into the three steps described below, as depicted in Figure 1:

  1. Reverse engineering of Museum of the Person (from Museum of the Person to Museum of the Person ontology);
  2. Mapping the museum standard format view (from Museum of the Person ontology toCIDOC-CRM.
  3. Extending the CIDOC-CRM version (from CIDOC-CRM to FOAF and DBpedia).

Figure 1: Reverse Engineering and mapping of Museum of the Person

Reverse Engeneering

Based on the thesaurus, and on the DTDs illustrated in the reverse engineering process above, a first draft of an ontology for the Museum of the Person was created.

The first step was an exhaustive extraction of the concepts present in the life stories. After a long analysis phase we came up with the following list:

Concepts of DTD and Thesaurus to create the ontology

DTD + Thesaurus term English explanation term
Pessoa People
Ascendência Ancestry
Descendência Offspring
Episódio Casa House Episode
Profissão Job
Episódio Educação Education Episode
Episódio Namoro Dating Episode
Evento Acidente Accident Event
Evento Migração Migration Event
Evento Festividade Festive Event
Evento Político Political Event
Evento Catastrófico Catastrophic Event
Casamento Marriage
Nascimento Birth
Sonho Dream
Episódio Infância Childhood Episode
Lazer Leisure
Religião Religion
Filosofia de vida Life's Philosophy

Identified Relations

Relation term English explanation term
exerce Performs
éRetratada Depicted
visita Visits
vive Lives
recebe Receives
narra Tells
tem Has
participa Enrolls
tipo Has-type
ocorre Occurs
dizRespeito Refers to

After the first phase we realized that we could still add some more concepts to make a more complete ontology:

Identified Concepts

Concept term English explanation term
Estado Civil Marital Status
Conjuge Spouse
Sexo Sex
Habilitações Literárias Literacy
Partido Político Political Party
Primeira Comunhão First Communion
Morte Death
Batismo Baptism
Fotos Photos
Nascimento do Filho Child’s Birth
Descrição Description
Ficheiro File

Copyright © npMP | 2016

Universidade do Minho